Without any doubt, one of the most evolving technologies in today’s world is none other than the blockchain. There is no doubt in this that bitcoin has been the most popular cryptocurrency and also one of the best examples of using blockchain technology. 

Businesses have attributed blockchain as one of the most interesting technological advancements. It’s a kind of distributed and encrypted database model which holds the potential of solving lots of issues by building online trust and offering great security. 

Not only this, the blockchain market is growing at a breakneck pace. With the growing interest in blockchain technology, the number of blockchain development platforms has also increased greatly in number. 

Due to the huge number of blockchain development platforms, it has become extremely difficult to identify the ideal framework for your business that satisfies all your business needs. But no worries as we have got a way out for you. Go through some of the best blockchain development platforms used by the best blockchain development companies for 2022 in this post. 

Blockchain Development Platforms for 2022Ethereum 


Ethereum refers to the decentralized and open-source blockchain that makes room for the users to create smart contracts. The native cryptocurrency for the platform is Ether. After bitcoin, ether is the second most valuable cryptocurrency in terms of market capitalization. 

Along with having its cryptocurrency, Ether also has its programming language which is known as solidity. You can also run programs on the Ethereum network which are also used to execute transactions. 

According to the Ethereum price, the market value of one ETH was $2,236 at the end of 2021 which makes Ether the second most valuable cryptocurrency on the market other than Bitcoin. With its peer-to-peer network, one can securely execute and verify smart contract code. 


Economical- The foremost benefit of choosing Ethereum as your preferred blockchain development platform is that it is not expensive and seems economical. As compared to other coins, it is affordable. There is no risk in purchasing the ethereum blockchain platform. 

Scope of growth- Keeping in mind the fact that the platform teamed up with the polygon that is interested in building Ethereum-compatible networks. Consequently, it has enough scope for growth. 

Highly secure- Owing to decentralization, it is highly secure, has low downtime, large community, and has adaptability. 


Another best blockchain development platform is Polkadot. Like others, it is also open-source technology that enables distributed computing. The network makes use of the Proof of stake consensus algorithm. 

The system, Blind assignment for blockchain extension is based on the Ouroboros. Its unique architecture enables para chains so they can use permission data from a private blockchain to a public blockchain. 

It has a high chance of becoming one of the leading blockchain development platforms in the coming years due to its ability to address the concerns of blockchain scalability and interoperability. 


Both users and developers of blockchain technology can benefit immensely from the Polkadot blockchain development platform. The reason being the network provides fast and secure data processing and also transmission across public and private blockchains. 

Contrary to others, the platform is purely adaptable and practical. In addition to others, it also opens up new options for decentralized app creators. For instance, it provides a unified platform for developing protocols which in turn allows individual blockchains to rely on shared security properties. 

Numerous blockchain experts consider Polkadot as a game-changer technology that has brought the concept of a unified blockchain network in a realistic way. 


The next best blockchain development platform is none other than Solana. Solana is not like other blockchain development platforms and is quite distinct from them. It has no sidechains and parachains. 

Solana also has its own set of cryptocurrencies known as SOL. For processing SOL transactions, the Solana blockchain pays nodes and for this, you don’t need to have any minimum amount of money to start a node. 

A new cryptic approach used by Solana is proof of history. It is this which allows for more scalability and faster transaction processing. The current throughput of Solana is 60,000 transactions per second. 


Solana as a blockchain development platform has excellent scalability and project compatibility. In addition to this, it offers the best user experience which many decentralized ventures fail to provide to their users. Solana’s rising interest in NFT is what will act as its boom. 


Along with others, Cardano is another best blockchain development platform. It is also open source and has its own ADA. Its multi-layer architecture is what distinguishes it from other blockchain development platforms. 

Its most enticing feature is Cardano’s decentralized nature. The platform became completely decentralized in 2021 and consequently, the network has around 1500 validator pools. 


Its powerful and scalable nature is what acts as a major benefit. As compared to the Ethereum network, the transactions taking place in this network are quite fast and cheap. Consumers also like the possibility to earn passive income by staking ADA coins. Above all, the platform is highly secure. 


Its main emphasis is on sidechains, decentralized apps, and smart contracts. The network also supports NFT’s bringing them to the top of the blockchain.  The applications being built with Cardano include NFT marketplaces, stable coins, lending protocols, DEXs, and numerous others. 

Its main plan is to improve the technologies in use. The platform is expected to undergo numerous upgrades shortly to make it even more desirable for businesses using blockchain. 

Hyperledger Fabric 

Hyperledger fabric also has a long history of building enterprise-grade systems and apps. It also has a distributed ledger kind architecture. It’s solely due to its adaptable architecture that this blockchain development platform caters to a wide range of industry applications. 

It also maintains scalability while maintaining its anonymity. All thanks to its modular architecture. The main use of this blockchain development platform is by industrial enterprises. It simply means that only authorized users have access to data. It also has chain codes that act as smart contracts. 


As the name indicates, the ledger is a sequence of records for various transactions. Its major advantage is its new peer nodes which are immutable and provide scalability, trust, and performance. 

It combines the benefits of blockchain technology with enhanced data security and privacy. Besides this, it can set up a clear identity management system to control whosoever joins the network. 

Moreover, the platform is always up for improvement. Hyperledger Fabric was released in January 2020. Besides improving data privacy, the update also ensures decentralized smart contract management. 


The most obvious use of hyper ledger fabric is with private transactions and confidential contracts which make it the ideal fit for financial organizations respecting privacy and security. The businesses such as supply chains, healthcare, and government can take advantage of the platform to create a unique blockchain network for them. 

Some notable companies such as Amazon, and Walmart have already made use of this technology and are emerging to be great players. It is one of the most popular enterprise blockchain solutions. 

How to Choose an Ideal Blockchain Development Platform for your Business? 

Choosing the one platform out of many is a daunting task for the businesses out there. But no worries as we have got a way out for such businesses. There are some crucial elements to consider while choosing the best blockchain development platform. 

Go through all such elements and choose the best blockchain development platform for your business. 

Scalability- The first thing you need to keep in mind while choosing an ideal blockchain development platform is scalability. It is crucial that the platform you choose can easily handle the workloads and also maintain high performance. 

Decentralization- Some customers and businesses are familiar with the advantages of decentralized solutions. Consequently, figure out the level of decentralization required for the business and accordingly choose the platform for your project. 

Speed and cost of transactions- The businesses should also pay heed to the speed and cost of transactions when deciding the blockchain applications to utilize. For instance, if you choose to work with a high gas tax platform, you have to figure out ways to make it more efficient. 

Confidentiality- One should choose private blockchain development platforms such as Hyperledger Fabric if you want the one for your enterprise. But opt for the public networks if you are looking to develop an open initiative with high transparency. 

Security- The majority of businesses have security concerns. The different blockchains tend to use different strategies to store and transmit the data securely. 

Rate of adoption- What has been the rate of adoption of other businesses for a particular blockchain development platform also needs to be figured out. The more popular the platform is, the more it will attract the users towards it. Do extensive research and get to know the success of several blockchain development platforms in the market. 

Final Say

Keep all the above-mentioned factors and platforms in mind while choosing the best blockchain development platform for your business and project in 2022. Do compare different platforms, go through things to bear in mind while choosing the one and then choose wisely. Reach out to the experts at Skilled Pragati to get your blockchain development platform now.